Event Registrants for ChessMinds $15 Rapid (CMP) *

--- A Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Olivio De La Torre 1756
--- B Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Keijon Dennis 1554/25
Daniel Taquechel 1500
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: ChessMinds $15 Rapid (CMP)  
Desc: Rapid Registration for all sections $15. Sunday 1/21/2024 please arrive by 8:45am. G/15 min +5 sec delay rated. Schedule 1st Round 9am| 2nd Round 9:45am| 3rd Round 11am|4th Round 11:45am|Lunch| 5th Round 1pm. 2 sections available section A U1551+ and section B U1550- . 1st place prize for each section will be a free entry to a future event of the same value. If 10 or more players 30% of registration will be given as 1st place prizes. If 16 or more players 40% will be given as 1st place prizes. $10 rated Blitz tournament if 4 or more players interested in playing after the Rapid is over. The Rapid and the Blitz will count towards ChessMinds Quarterly Grand Prix. Please bring chess set and clock. Free coffee and water provided. You can also buy snacks or beverages for a $1 or heat your lunch with our microwave. If any questions feel free to email me at stephenherreroschessminds@gmail.com
Location: 99 NW 183rd St. Suite 207, Miami Gardens Fl, 33169
Starts: Sunday 21 Jan 2024
Ends: Sunday 21 Jan 2024
Registration Ends: Friday 19 Jan 2024
Rounds: 5
Organizer Name: ChessMinds Chess Club (South Florida)
Organizer eMail: stephenherreroschessminds@gmail.com