Event Registrants for GICC Spring Scholastic & Open 2025 *

--- K-12 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes School
Amanda Wood 596 Glynn Academy
--- K-5 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes School
Mykel Stuart 395 St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: GICC Spring Scholastic & Open 2025  
Desc: Brought to you by Golden Isles Chess Club (formerly SFXCC), USCF-rated events require all players to have a valid USCF ID# to participate. Non-USCF members can purchase a membership or renew via this site. ************************************************ TOURNAMENT INFO: Scholastic - Five rounds G/25;d5 dual-rated chess. Round 1 begins at 10:00 A.M. Lunch break after R3. There are plenty of places to eat close by. OPEN - Three rounds G45;d5. R1 begins at 10:00 A.M. -------------------------------------------------------- AWARDS: For top 3 places for INDIVIDUALS & top TEAM in each section (min. two from the same school - HOMESCHOOL CO-OPs eligible). ************************************************ COST: $25.00 through February 26. Register early to avoid price increases. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Marshes of Glynn Library - Brunswick 208 Gloucester Street Brunswick, GA 31520-5324 (Parking available in the back.)
Location: Marshes of Glynn Library - Brunswick
Starts: Saturday 01 Mar 2025
Ends: Saturday 01 Mar 2025
Registration Ends: Saturday 01 Mar 2025
Rounds: 5
Organizer Name: Golden Isles Chess Club
Organizer eMail: goldenisleschessclub@outlook.com