Name: Melbourne Thursday Night Swiss at Panera 02-06-2025
8 round blitz rated tournament at Panera Bread in West Melbourne (Palm Bay Rd).
Pre register by midnight (morning of Thursday) for lowest price ($15 adults, $10 kids). Price goes up $5 at midnight then again $5 on site.
If you are under 18, select the under 18 section for the reduced entry.
FIRST ROUND STARTS AT 7:00PM. Cash prizes for top placements are based on entries and at the discretion of the tournament director. Friendly atmosphere, all are welcome! Upon arrival, look for where chess boards are set up and find Alex Dshalalow or Sean Malone for registration.
Tournament finishes by 9pm (That's when Panera closes).
Check the FaceBook or Whatsapp group for updates, or contact the organizer directly at 321-514-8547.
Tournament is US Chess Federation (USCF) rated. USCF MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED AND MUST NOT BE EXPIRED. You can
register/renew with USCF online or in person (through the tournament director) before the start of the event. You must be a current USCF member in order to be paired up for the first round.
Encouraged to bring your own board and clock.
Click here to join our Facebook group.
Location: 245 Palm Bay Rd NE, West Melbourne, FL 32904
Starts: Thursday 06 Feb 2025
Ends: Thursday 06 Feb 2025
Registration Ends: Thursday 06 Feb 2025
Organizer Name:
Brevard Chess Club
Organizer eMail: