Event Registrants for Melbourne/Palm Bay Blitz at Nocturne Teas 01-26-2025 *

--- One Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Art Suggs 1858
Braden blackwell 1467
Owen Deao 1453
Nick Lefort 1415
Alex Dshalalow 1400
Stephen Etsell 1296/15
Azari Dshalalow 1188
Anthony Santos 1123
Ezra Dshalalow 501
Tom Wales
Nick Blelloch
Rechelle Suggs
Muhammad Salaar Muneeb
Zach Copeland
Jack Murphy
Jamin Castillo
Mark Gunter
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: Melbourne/Palm Bay Blitz at Nocturne Teas 01-26-2025  
Desc: Chess Tournament at Nocturne Teas Kava Bar

Tournament starts at 2PM.

Prize: $60 bar/food tab for 1st place. $20 tab for 2nd place, $10 tab for top under 1600, $10 for top under 1400. Based on 20 entries.

This event is USCF-rated. Must have a USCF membership (we can help with this, or you can register through ChessRegister).

Swiss tournament, each round is a double round blitz (you play each opponent one game as white and one game as black) - at least 10 blitz rounds will be played, followed by side events for those who wish to stay on - more rated blitz and even some bughouse.

Entry fee is $10. Please secure your entry by pre-registering. The entry fee at the door will be $15 ($5 more - pre-registering helps us be prepared and start on time). FREE ENTRY to FIDE titled players (GM, IM, FM, WGM, WIM, WFM).

This is a family-friendly event. Kids are welcome and parents can stay and hang out and have fun too.

-- This week is pot luck! There will be a bunch of food (including Pizza) so make sure you come hungry :) --

Nocturne Teas Kava Bar
4700 Babcock St NE, Unit 2+3
Palm Bay, FL 32905

When: January 26, 2025 (Sunday) Tournament starts at 2PM

Technical details: USCF-blitz rated and standard USCF blitz rules apply.
Location: 4700 Babcock St NE Unit 2+3, Palm Bay, FL 32905
Starts: Sunday 26 Jan 2025
Ends: Sunday 26 Jan 2025
Registration Ends: Sunday 26 Jan 2025
Organizer Name: Brevard Chess Club
Organizer eMail: seanmalone21@live.com