Event Registrants for Ultimate Gladiator Quads U1950-U1550 *

--- Quad A U1950 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Juan Dominguez 1789
Keijon Dennis 1723
Olivio De La Torre 1711
Platon Kaidash 1601
--- Quad B U1550 Section ---
Registrant Name Rating Sch Byes
Gene Ligo 1554/15
Jose De La Colina 1518
Emmanuel Falana 1357
Sagi Abiri 1354 2
Thomas Barkasi 1271
Anthony Borzillo 1182
* Online registrants only. May not include entries otherwise received (mail, phone, etc.)

Event Summary

Name: Ultimate Gladiator Quads U1950-U1550  
Desc: Ultimate Gladiator Quads ---------------------------------------------------------- Time Control: G/50 min+5sec delay. 1 half point bye May be requested before Rd 2. USCF rules. Notation required. ----------------------------------------------------------- Sections: Tournament will be divided into two groups. Quad A U1950 and Quad B U1550. Only players rated higher then 1550 may join Quad A. If less then 8 players total the two groups will be merged. ----------------------------------------------------------- Registration: $30 before 1/29/2025. $35 after. No onsite reg. Reg ends 1/31/2025. A limit of 10 participants. ----------------------------------------------------------- Saturday Classical 2/1/2025. Please arrive by 10:15am. --------------------------------------------------------- Prizes: Based on 8 participants. Quad A 1st Place: $60+Trophy. Quad B 1st Place: $60+Medal. Prize will be higher for the group that has more players. ---------------------------------------------------------- Schedule: 1st Rd: 10:30am | Lunch 30 Min | 2nd Rd: 1pm | 3rd Rd: 3pm ----------------------------------------------------------- Things to bring: Chess set/Clock/Notation Sheets/Pen or Pencil ------------------------------------------------------------- May the strongest chess gladiator win!
Location: 7300 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, 33024
Starts: Saturday 01 Feb 2025
Ends: Saturday 01 Feb 2025
Rounds: 3
Organizer Name: ChessMinds Chess Club (South Florida)
Organizer eMail: stephenherreroschessminds@gmail.com